Starseed Healing for Lightworkers and Warriors

Starseeds are souls from evolved races and are here to aid Earth's ascension. Yet, their heightened sensitivity often leads to challenges, absorbing humanity's shadow aspects like negativity and violence. My aim is to help these souls navigate earthly struggles, ensuring they don't lose sight of their purpose due to fear or mistrust.

Healing from Lifetimes of Trauma

As Lightworkers, we carry scars from past persecutions, often hindering our soul's journey. By tapping into the Akashic Records, we aim to clear these karmic imprints, facilitating a greater sense of freedom and alignment in this lifetime. The Lemurian Christ Healing Rays will be employed to foster deep soul healing, releasing any traumas linked to persecution.

A Personal Journey of Healing

Since 2004, I have been guiding healing sessions, recently incorporating the Lemurian Christ Healing Rays into my practice. This method is simple yet profound in releasing karmic wounds and shadow energies. The session promises to bring healing at home whenever you watch.

Embrace the Healing Light

Every participant will be enveloped in healing light, feeling the energy shift and flow through them. This session is an invitation to align with your true soul purpose, clearing any obstacles on your path as a Starseed.

Since starting these Zoom healings in April 2020, I’ve heard many wonderful stories of how they have helped you. Each session is recorded and you can watch it at any time. I know many of you watch over and over again when one has resonated with you deeply.

I am honoured to share this journey with you and welcome any specific healing requests you may have.

Access this Starseed Healing Meditation for under £7 and join me on this path of enlightenment and liberation.

More about this Starseed Healing meditation

I will send distant healing and it will be received by you wherever you are, the session will be available to watch anytime and the healing intention will reach you whenever you watch.

I’ve been working with healing for the last twenty years and have recently been introduced to the Lemurians and their Christ Healing Rays. They came through on 11th January 2023 as the comet drew closer to Earth and brought this blessing of Light with it.

These new codes are very beautiful, extremely simple to work with and release deep karmic wounds and shadow energies that might be interfering with your life in this current dimensional space here on Earth.

Love Saira xx


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