Holistic Therapy in Evershot, Dorset

Award-winning spa treatments
All therapies are with Saira Francis

Choose from deep body work, energy healing or a profoundly transformative clearing to bring relief from all kinds of problems and conditions. Saira offers decades of experience to offer you  skilled work on your physical self, and uses her gift as a healer to bring further support to your soul and spirit.

Soul Replenish Massage

This indulgent treatment will take you from an invigorating and uplifting Indian Head Massage, to a therapeutic full body aromatherapy massage, beyond this Saira’s healing touch with hands on energy healing, ending with reflexology at the feet.
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Initial Consultation & Treatment 
(1hr 45 mins) £80
Follow Up (90 mins) £70

Chakra Massage

The chakra massage works to release energy in the spine, dispelling blocks up and down the spinal column and re-balancing each of the seven chakras in turn. This massage uses aromatherapy, energy healing work, crystals sound healing and reflexology. 
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Initial Consultation & Treatment 
(1 hr 45 mins) £85
Follow Up (90 mins) £75


Aromatherapy is the ancient art of using essential oils and massage to bring about a wonderful sense of peace and relaxation. All while encouraging healing of a great many physical, emotional and spiritual problems.
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Initial Consultation & Treatment 
(1hr 15 mins) £60
Follow Up (1 hr) £50

Initial Consultation & Treatment
(1 hr 45 mins) £80
Follow Up (90 mins) £70

Angel Aromatherapy

Saira will use aromatherapy massage to release stress and tension in the physical body before working with healing energy within the aura and through the chakras of the energy body for balance and harmony. 
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Initial Consultation & Treatment 
(1hr 15 mins) £60
Follow Up (1 hr) £50

Initial Consultation & Treatment
(1 hr 45 mins) £80
Follow Up (90 mins) £70 

Indian Head Massage

Indian head massage is based on the Ayurvedic system of healing. The aim of Indian head massage is to release the stress that has accumulated in the tissues, muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders.
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Initial Consultation & Treatment
(50 mins) £40
Follow Up (30 mins) £30

Deep Tissue Massage

This massage can be tailored to the needs of the client and involves work on muscle tension and toxin release, lymphatic drainage and soothing and calm effleurage on the skin and circulation of the entire body.
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Initial Consultation & Treatment
(1 hr 15 mins) £60
Follow Up (1 hr) £50

Initial Consultation & Treatment
(1 hr 45 mins) £80
Follow Up (90 mins) £70

Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage

This massage works over the lower back, spinal column, shoulders and back of the neck to release muscle tension and aid toxic release.
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Initial Consultation & Treatment
(50 mins) £40
Follow Up (30 mins) £30 


This therapy involves using gentle pressure on specific points on the feet to bring about balance, harmony and healing in the body. Reflexology is a very safe and effective therapy for people of all ages and for a great number of conditions. 
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Initial Consultation & Treatment
(1 hr 15 mins) £60
Follow Up (1 hr) £50

Initial Consultation & Treatment
(1 hr 45 mins) £80
Follow Up (90 mins) £70

Join Saira for an holistic therapy, energy healing or clearing in Dorset. Find peace, healing and a release of physical and emotional suffering through the sessions on offer.

Energy Healing & Clearing

Energy Healing

After working with healing energy for several decades, this practice channels illuminating energy to facilitate shifts, transformations, and healing. There is also a maintained awareness of angelic presences that enhances the spiritual depth and effectiveness of each session.

Clearing Akashic Records

The Akashic records are like a vast cosmic library that stores information about everything that has happened, is happening, or could happen in the future. Picture it as a database existing in another dimension, holding the stories of all beings and all things.

Clearing Narcissistic Abuse

Many souls who have come to earth to help our transition from the 3D old world reality into a new 5D, brighter, more heart-centered dimensional space have had to learn difficult lessons during their lifetimes by being in relationship with people who suffer from narcissism.

Find out more about these treatments below

Anytime Remote Healing

Contact Saira direct if you need urgent support.

My diary is often booked up months ahead so get in touch and I will try to fit a half hour energy healing in for you remotely when I can.

For energy healing, contact Saira.

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a holistic treatment that balances life energies, promoting health and well-being across mind, body, spirit, and emotion.

It enhances the body's natural healing abilities through gentle energy channeling, activating the practitioner's hands to transmit healing energy to the recipient's energy centers. This treatment addresses root causes, aligns energy centers, and offers immediate stress reduction.

Energy healing facilitates injury repair, emotional trauma release, and overall health maintenance. It complements medical treatments and boosts the immune system, bringing a sense of wholeness.

During a session, you'll feel warm energy resonating through your body, targeting your soul plasma body for multi-dimensional healing effects. Blockages are cleared, leading to increased tranquility and a hopeful outlook.

  • Initial consultation and treatment in Evershot (75 mins): £60

    Follow-up in Evershot (60 mins): £50

    Online energy healing via Zoom (60 mins): £50

    Online energy healing via Zoom (90 mins): £70

What is Akashic Record Clearing?

Your Akashic Masters and Keepers hold the key to your records. Only individuals you've given permission to can access and read your records, making it highly private and personal.

When your soul came into being, your life story began to be recorded in these records. Each day, each lifetime you've lived is akin to a new chapter in this extensive book. It contains all the significant details about your thoughts, emotions, experiences, and even the decisions you've made. Notably, there's no judgment within these records - just an account of what has transpired.

During a session we go into your records, going through all aspects of blocks and obstacles in your current life, we release, clear and cleanse anything that is no longer serving you, leaving anything that is still needed for your Souls Greater and Highest Good so you can move on and be free.

We can cover health, wealth, relationships, trauma, career, family, home, any problems that you are having can be included in the clearing. This is a very interactive session which you are very much a part of throughout.

Clearing Akashic records session in person (90 mins) £99
Clearing Akashic records session via Zoom (90 mins) £99
Please allow up to two hours for this appointment.

Many souls who have come to earth at this time, to help our transition from the old 3D world reality into a new 5D brighter, more heart-centred, dimensional space, have had to learn very difficult lessons during their lifetimes, by being in relationship with people who suffer with narcissism.

These relationships, have been a source of great insight and an opportunity for deep shadow work and karmic release for many of these people who are empaths and are here to hold and carry light.

There has also been a great damage done to these souls, who carry a lot of self blame and shame as they tend to lack strong boundaries and tend to want to rescue others, stay loyal to others despite mistreatment and are very susceptible to taking on and blaming themselves for others abuse of them and making excuses rather than asking for accountability for another poor treatment of them.

This clearing will leave you feeling lighter and more able to move on from these relationships, this healing will work well for anyone who is doing deep work to release themselves. Creating stronger boundaries and releasing all imprints of self-sacrifice, rescuing and misguided loyalty by releasing childhood traumas, self enquiry, psychotherapy, shadow work as well as energy healing and trauma recovery.

Clearing Akashic records session in person (90 mins) £99
Clearing Akashic records session via Zoom (90 mins) £99
Please allow up to two hours for this appointment.

What is Clearing Narcissistic Abuse?

Saira is a most phenomenal healer, Saira’s peaceful, kind, sensitive, natural, welcoming, warm and caring ability to provide the most connected and powerful positive energy to clear unwanted energetic blockages is quite something! I am counting my blessings that I now have Saira in my life! As I know with her guidance, Divine love and protection life will be much more aligned and nourished. Thank you Saira!
— Siobhan Kelly