Akashic Records – awaken, heal and ascend

Learn how to access the Akashic Records with our two day course in October

Join us for an enlightening two-day course in the serene setting of Evershot, Dorset, where you will learn to access and interpret the Akashic Records—a vast cosmic library of universal knowledge. This course, led by the experienced healer Saira, is perfect for healers, energy workers, therapists, and anyone interested in deep personal and spiritual growth. Discover profound insights into your soul's journey across lifetimes and dimensions, and learn techniques to help others on their paths to healing and enlightenment.

Course details:

  • Location: Saira’s cottage in Evershot, Dorset DT2 0LD

  • Cost: £250 per person, maximum of 8 students

Upcoming course dates:

12th - 13th October, 10-4pm - join the waitlist

11th - 12th January 2025, 10-4pm - book now

April 2025 - bookings open soon

Schedule highlights:

Day one: Introduction to the Akashic records, breathwork and meditation techniques, third eye activation, understanding karmic wounds, and group healing session.

Day two: Deepening connection with Akashic masters, advanced clearing techniques, angelic attunement, practical application with clients, and full Akashic record group healing.

Why this course?

Not only will you gain a deeper understanding of the Akashic records but you’ll also get…

  • Comprehensive learning: From basic history to advanced techniques like soul contract adjustments and past life healing.

  • Hands-on practice: Techniques for accessing your own records and assisting others.

  • Spiritual tools: Learn to use tools like pendulums for psychic development and platonic solids for healing.

  • Continuous support: Post-course WhatsApp group for ongoing support and direct communication with Saira.

What others say:

"Thank you so much, it was a truly amazing weekend. I find that I am starting to truly understand my messages now. I had a very powerful experience on the way home" - Kelly, January 2024

"Thank you so much Saira, I got so much from this weekend, I just feel so peaceful, thank you" - Debbie, January 2024

Clearing Akashic records training - FAQs

  • Please bring a packed lunch. Refreshments and vegan cakes will be provided.

  • There are various local accommodation options near the venue, details of which can be provided upon request.

  • The fee includes all course materials, group sessions, access to a post-source WhatsApp group, a comprehensive manual, and refreshments.

  • It’s ideal for anyone engaged in spiritual practices, healing, therapy, or those simply seeking to deepen their understanding of their own soul and universal energies.

  • Arrive with an open mind and comfortable attire suitable for indoor activities and meditations. It's advised to rest well the night before to be fully present during the sessions.

  • The Akashic Records are described as a cosmic library or a database existing in another dimension that stores all information about everything that has happened, is happening, and can happen in the universe.

    This includes the past, present, and potential future experiences of all beings.

  • Accessing the Akashic records can provide profound insights into your soul's history and its future, offering guidance, wisdom, and understanding that can help resolve current life issues, clear past karmic debts, and make significant life decisions with greater clarity.

  • By learning how to access and interpret the Akashic Records, you can tap into a deep source of healing and knowledge.

    This can enhance your personal growth, help in healing others, and allow you to contribute more effectively to their spiritual journey.

    It's particularly beneficial for healers, therapists, and those involved in spiritual practices. It is also very powerful for anyone need deep transformational healing in their life.

  • After completing the course, you will be equipped to access both your own and others’ Akashic records.

    You will learn various techniques such as raising your vibrational energy, performing angelic attunements, and applying practical knowledge for healing and guidance based on insights gained from the Akashic records.

  • This course not only teaches you how to access and read the Akashic records but also offers practical techniques for healing and enhancing your spiritual journey.

    The inclusion of angelic attunement and comprehensive teaching on the energetic and karmic implications of the records sets this workshop apart from others.

  • Yes, it's absolutely fine to spread the cost of your course over 3-6 month. Please contact Saira and this can really easily be arranged for you.