Online meditations

Saira regularly hosts online meditations to help you expand your knowledge and calm your psyche from the comfort of your own home.

Saira’s next online meditation:

Healing the Inner Child to find joy and self-compassion Wednesday 2nd October 7 - 8:15pm on Zoom £6

Book to receive a replay if you can’t make the day/time.

About the event:

More information on this healing meditation coming soon, I am currently on a break until 12th September so will update more here but wanted to let you know asap that a healing meditation is coming soon!

During this meditation we will journey to meet and connect with our inner child/children. From babies to teens we will gather and bring great healing to our child parts, love, compassion and understanding.

Perhaps they will have a message for us? Some guidance to help us on our journeys, or perhaps there is something they need to hear from us to them?

Its certain that we will all discover much from this healing meditation and that the wisdom and release we find when we go deep into our child parts, is always invaluable and incredibly insightful.

During this healing meditation we will call on the Angels to bring healing to our inner child, our shadow parts and shine Light on all so we can feel joy, happiness, relief from suffering, understanding, wisdom and compassion.

What to expect from an online meditation:

  • I will send distant healing that you can receive wherever you are. 

  • The session will be recorded and available for you to watch anytime. The healing intention will reach you whenever you watch.

  • Just book your space to receive the replay.

  • I've been working with healing since 2004 and recently connected with the Lemurians and their Christ Healing Rays, introduced on 11 January 2023.

  • A beautiful comet brought this blessing of Light closer to Earth.

  • These new codes are simple to work with and release deep karmic wounds and shadow energies affecting your current life.

  • Since starting online healings in 2020, I've heard many wonderful stories of how they have helped you. Many of you watch repeatedly when a session resonates deeply.

  • During each session, you will be held in Light as I guide you through the Healing Rays, and you are likely to feel energy moving through you as you relax.

  • All are welcome and abundantly held in Light.

Feedback from distant healing meditations:

“Thank you so much for yesterday’s wonderful session. You created such a beautiful healing space, I am going through quite a lot at the moment and it was exactly the calm that I needed. 🌈 It was lovely to meet you and really looking forward to joining future sessions. Thank you for the beautiful healing 🙏“ - Kat

  • “Many thanks for this healing offering tonight. It was beautiful and full of love! I do hope to meet you soon in person” - Tania

    “Wow Saira - that hit me straight away, I could feel my throat tighten and my tears building. I needed to hear that, I needed to feel that-I felt like I was really stretching out for it. This for me is one of your absolute best and I think it will be the place I keep going back too. Thank you for such amazing words Saira and a place I need to be now showing me faith! I feel so emotional ” - Emma

    “Wow! So powerful. Can’t remember the last time I sobbed so much. A much needed release indeed.  Thank you for sharing this” - Rob

    “Hi. I just wanted to thank you for your recent angelic meditation recording. I saved it a while ago but only just had some quiet time today to listen to it. It was absolutely beautiful and even though I didn’t realise it before, I needed it so badly. I had tears rolling down my cheeks during it. Thank you so much” - Anon 

    “I just wanted to thank you and Annabelle for the healing last night. I have been in pain for a few days now. After the meditation, which I actually slept through, my pains have all disappeared! See you again soon!” - Ant 

Looking for meditations on demand?

Previous meditations are to purchase in our store after they have broadcast live.