Reiki Healing Courses with Saira

In-person in Dorset and online via zoom

Reiki healing courses are available regularly with new dates added each month

Saira’s reiki healing courses are a gateway to deepening your connection with the energies that surround us.

Whether you are new to healing or looking to enhance your connection to the angelic realms, Saira's extensive experience and warm guidance make these courses a transformative experience.

With decades of teaching Reiki and a deep connection to angelic presences, Saira offers a comprehensive journey into self-healing and spiritual growth.

You’ll be welcomed into a supportive environment where you can learn, grow, and begin to heal others as well as yourself.

Explore our courses below.

Reiki level I course

First online reiki course is 26th October

This course will cover everything an in-person courses does. It will be on Zoom only between 10-4pm, it will not take place in-person in Dorset.

On this course you'll learn the fundamentals of Reiki, including its history and how energy healing works. We’ll also cover:

  • Understanding Reiki: Dive into the rich history and explore the energy’s versatile uses.

  • Ethics and self-healing: Learn the core Reiki principles and how to apply them to self-healing.

  • 21-Day cleansing process: Discover what to expect and how to manage this healing period.

  • Meditation for healing: Engage in practices focused on forgiveness and releasing blockages to become a clear channel for Reiki.

Unique to this course, you'll leave with the ability to immediately start practicing Reiki on friends and family. It’s important that you feel confident and prepared to share the healing power of Reiki right after the first session.

Attunements will take place at the end of the day from 4-6pm or the next day 11-1pm.
Saira will be in touch to book your attunement after booking.

Full payment required on booking £135.

This course will be taking place on Zoom.

  • History of Usui Reiki and understanding energy

    Joining meditation


    Exploring the chakras

    Self-healing techniques and channeling energy

    Understanding the 21-day cleansing process

    Ethical considerations and creative uses of Reiki

    Practical aspects of conducting a Reiki treatment

    Leave the workshop feeling confident to work on friends and family at your own pace.

  • Available to book now:

    • Saturday 26th October 2024

    New online dates will be added soon

Reiki level I course

Next course: 11th September

On this course you'll learn the fundamentals of Reiki, including its history and how energy healing works. We’ll also cover:

  • Understanding Reiki: Dive into the rich history and explore the energy’s versatile uses.

  • Ethics and self-healing: Learn the core Reiki principles and how to apply them to self-healing.

  • 21-Day cleansing process: Discover what to expect and how to manage this healing period.

  • Meditation for healing: Engage in practices focused on forgiveness and releasing blockages to become a clear channel for Reiki.

Unique to this course, you'll leave with the ability to immediately start practicing Reiki on friends and family. It’s important that you feel confident and prepared to share the healing power of Reiki right after the first session.

Book with a £65 deposit and a further £70 on the day.

  • History of Usui Reiki and understanding energy

    Joining meditation


    Exploring the chakras

    Self-healing techniques and channeling energy

    Understanding the 21-day cleansing process

    Ethical considerations and creative uses of Reiki

    Practical aspects of conducting a Reiki treatment

    Leave the workshop feeling confident to work on friends and family at your own pace.

  • Available to book now:

    2025 dates will be added soon

Reiki level II course

Next course is 9th October

On Reiki level II, we delve deeper into the spiritual realm by connecting with angels and guides. In this workshop, you will:

  • Learn the sacred Reiki symbols to channel energy more profoundly.

  • Cut negative ties from the past to become a clearer channel for Reiki.

  • Discover how to send distant healing using the symbols and direct healing energy to the Earth.

After completing this workshop and the 21-day cleansing process, you'll be equipped to practice Reiki on others as a practitioner, obtain insurance, and offer your services confidently. You can enhance your personal healing journey, benefiting both yourself and those around you.

Book with a £80 deposit with a further £70 on the day

  • Activation, relaxation and meditation


    Learning and practicing the Reiki symbols

    Meditation to cut negative ties

    Working with the Distant Healing Triangle

    21-day healing process

    Practical information about practitioner guidelines, charging for your services, insurance, and advertising

  • Available to book now:

    • Wednesday 9th October 2024

    • Wednesday 11th December 2024

    2025 dates will be added soon

Reiki level III course
(Master level)

Next course is 30th October

The Reiki Master level course is designed to deepen your understanding and enhance your skills in Reiki practice. Here’s what you can expect during the day:

  • Shadow work and meditation: Start with activation meditation and explore balancing light and dark within.

  • Psychic skills development: Learn pendulum use and what it means to be 'psychic', including practical pendulum activities.

  • Advanced reiki techniques: Master the Reiki III symbol and review all previous symbols through the 'Reiki sandwich' technique.

  • Ethics and healing practice: Delve into the ethics of psychic healing and participate in group distant healing sessions.

  • Closing activities: Use platonic solids in healing and conclude with a Reiki healing share, followed by grounding and energy closure.

After completing this workshop and the 21-day cleansing process, you'll be equipped to practice Reiki on others as a practitioner, obtain insurance, and offer your services confidently. You can enhance your personal healing journey, benefiting both yourself and those around you.

Book with a £100 deposit with a further £100 on the day

  • Working with our shadow, the importance of working with light and dark within

    First activation meditation

    Using the pendulum and what does it mean to be ‘psychic’

    Attunement and pendulum fun in pairs

    Learn the Reiki III symbol, go over all symbols and learn the ‘Reiki sandwich’

    Self-healing (time permitting) – enhancing your intuition

    Distant healing as a group

    Ethics around working with psychic healing messages and passing them on to clients

    Using the Platonic solids

    Reiki healing share as a group, seeing if we can sense or pick up on wisdom and guidance for each other

    Close down the energies call in the light reground and end day

    You will leave your day feeling more abundant energies, more confident about passing on spiritual wisdom and guidance to clients, friends and family and understanding the responsibility this entails, plus more in tune with the universal flow of healing vibes

  • Available to book now:

    • Wednesday 30th October 2024

    2025 dates will be added soon

Reiki level III course
Master Teacher level

Next course is spring 2025

The Reiki Master Teacher level course is tailored for those prepared to elevate their Reiki practice to the next level of professional teaching.

This course deeply focuses on enhancing your spiritual and practical skills necessary for teaching Reiki. Key areas of learning include mastering the attunement process, understanding the responsibilities and ethics of a Reiki teacher, and effectively managing and marketing your own workshops.

You will leave equipped with the confidence and ongoing support to begin attuning others and conducting your own Reiki workshops.

Book with a £130 deposit with a further £120 on the day

  • Begins with a DNA Activation Meditation


    Learning what it means to be a reiki teacher and the responsibility

    The practicalities of offering the service including ethics, advertising, handling clients

    How to create workshop plans and specific teaching tools

    Equipping you with everything you need to run your own reiki workshops

    Learn the attunement process

    Lots of practical demonstrations of attunement followed by practicing on each other

    Send distant healing together

    Treatment swaps and shares to wind down to the end of the day

    Time to relax and absorb everything you have learned

  • The next course will be in spring 2025, please contact Saira to book

Reiki courses in Dorset FAQ

  • All Reiki courses are held at my cottage in Evershot, DT2 0LD, a tranquil village in rural Dorset.

  • Yes, I have cats and a small dog. Please inform me in advance if you have allergies or concerns regarding the pets.

  • Please bring a packed lunch; vegan cakes and plenty of tea will be provided.

    Wear comfortable clothes suitable for relaxation and practical activities. You are encouraged to switch off your phone or check it only during lunchtime to maintain a focused and peaceful environment.

  • The day is structured to be busy yet fun and relaxed. It may slightly overrun, so it's advisable not to have pressing engagements immediately after.

    You might feel tired after the workshop due to the intensive energy work, so having a free evening or the following day is ideal.

  • For Reiki Levels I & II, manuals are emailed before the course. For Levels III and Teacher, manuals are sent after the course as they require explanation during the session.

    You are encouraged to print the manuals if you prefer a hard copy. Certificates are emailed post-course for you to print at home or forward to your insurance provider as a PDF.

  • This approach helps us save on paper, card, and ink. Thank you for supporting our efforts to be environmentally friendly.

  • Yes, please contact Saira and we will set up a payment plan for you via Go Cardless, this runs automatically and is taken out of your bank each month at an amount that is affordable to you. Anything from 3-6 month payment plans available.

  • "I had the most gorgeous Reiki training with Saira. I was drawn by her lovely energy and boy was a right. I had a mind blowing experience during the training. I would highly recommend training with Saira

    Minna Hepburn

    Read More

  • "My partner and I attended a Reiki First Degree course. Saira was an amazing host and teacher, she has a lovely warm character and always smiling with a very supportive and calm way about herself. The location for the course was beautiful and very peaceful, and calming. We have booked our 2nd and 3rd degree with Saira and very much looking forward to seeing her again and developing our knowledge of Reiki. Can't wait for the next step in our development. I highly recommend using Saira if you're thinking about beginning a journey in Reiki.

    Chris Seagal

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  • The day spent with Saira on the Reiki II course was just brilliant. A special time filled with light and love. I feel spiritually nourished and uplifted after the course and, importantly, have a new confidence in applying what I have learned to enhance and extend my Reiki Practice with integrity. Very much looking forward to taking this wonderful experience further and becoming a Reiki Master with Saira in November!

    Fran McElwaine

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  • Saira hosted the most beautiful Reiki II training at her home. It was so many things, peaceful, informative, spiritual and well organised. Highly, highly recommend.

    Manda Hunt

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