Nine ways to slow down for summer

Ways to make the most of this healing season during your summer holidays

It's that time of year when many of us are navigating transitions: children starting their summer holidays, older kids returning home after graduating uni (which is happening for me this week!), and many of us taking extended breaks from work to slow down for summer or simply enjoying being at home.

With this in mind, I wanted to share nine ways you can consciously slow down during the summer season - ranging from simple daily tasks to completely escaping with a Dorset yoga retreat.

Reconnect with nature on a walk

Take leisurely walks in nature. Whether it’s a stroll through your local park or a hike in the rolling hills of the countryside, soak up the sights, sounds, and scents of nature to bring your nervous system back into balance. There's no better way to slow down for summer than by immersing yourself in the outdoors.

Allow yourself an afternoon nap

Indulge in the luxury of an afternoon nap. Resting in the middle of the day can recharge your energy and lift your spirits. A quick power nap can refresh your mind and body, leaving you ready to enjoy the rest of your summer holidays.

Escape to a yoga retreat

Treat yourself to a yoga retreat to truly disconnect and slow down this summer. Yoga retreats the perfect opportunity for a digital detox and to escape to a countryside home for the weekend. A Dorset yoga retreat is an ideal way to embrace the healing essence of summer.

Find calm through deep breathing

Take a few minutes throughout the day to practice deep breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a moment, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This simple practice can help you find calm, stay present, and truly slow down for summer.

Focus on single-tasking

Give your full attention to one task at a time instead of multitasking. Whether it’s putting the kids to bed, writing an email, or reading a book, being fully present this summer can make a world of difference and reduce feelings of overwhelm. Single-tasking is a key to enjoying the slow pace of summer holidays.

Reflect through journaling

Try to spend a few minutes each day or week journaling. Write down your thoughts, feelings, and reflections. It’s a simple practice that can help you process emotions, cultivate gratitude, and gain clarity. Journaling is a great way to connect with yourself during the slow, reflective days of summer.

Dance to music

Create a playlist of songs that you love and can easily dance to. Perhaps it’s songs from a time in your life when you felt truly alive and in touch with yourself. Dancing is one of the most ecstatic forms of exercise, and I love to make time for a kitchen disco when I can. Let the rhythm help you slow down and enjoy the moment.

Savour your cup of tea

Take a moment each day simply to enjoy a cup of herbal tea. Sit quietly and savour each sip; it’ll help you feel mindful and keep you living in the present moment. This small ritual can be a delightful way to slow down for summer.

Nurture your soul with yoga

Incorporate a yoga practice into your routine. Let your mood guide what sort of yoga you feel you need, focusing on slow, mindful movements and deep breathing will help you relax and unwind. If you’re looking for the perfect escape, book a yoga class with me in Dorset.

Taking time for ourselves is not just a luxury, but a necessity. I look forward to hopefully seeing you at a retreat or class soon, so we can share moments of peace and rejuvenation together.

Much love and light,

Saira xx


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