Making the most of meditation at home

Tips to take away, and online meditations just for you

I’m so pleased to introduce our new on-demand online meditations available on The Light Spa website. You can find a sense of healing and relaxation right from the comfort of your home.

Here’s how to make the most of your meditation practice and explore our offerings.

Create a sacred space

Designate a quiet corner with a comfortable cushion, candles, and soothing music. This special place will enhance your meditation at home experience, allowing you to connect deeply with your inner self.

Be consistent

Make meditation a daily habit. Even a few minutes each day or once a week can lead to improvements in your wellbeing and healing journey. Consistency is key to fully benefiting from your online meditation practice.

Reflect and journal

After your session, jot down your thoughts and insights. Keeping a meditation journal helps track your progress and deepens your healing journey. Reflecting through journaling is a powerful way to integrate the benefits of meditation at home.

On-demand meditations

Your home can become a sanctuary of healing at any time with my on-demand meditations. Whether you need a quick calming session or a deep healing journey, there is something for everyone.

In the garden at home meditating

Why choose our meditations?

  • Many unique healing sessions, and more will be added.

  • Meditations priced from just £4.99, making healing accessible for everyone.

  • Purchase once, listen anytime.

Recommended meditations:

How to listen:

  1. Select and purchase your desired meditation.

  2. Instantly download the digital file.

  3. Find a quiet space, get comfortable, and follow the guided journey.

Featured meditation

Recovering from Starseed Fatigue

Are you feeling utterly exhausted, despite resting? The recent influx of new energies and light codes to our planet is causing many of us to experience deep cellular fatigue. This is especially true for those who identify as Starseeds, Lightworkers, or Warriors.

Many are struggling with this profound tiredness and depletion. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, drained, or unable to keep up with your usual activities, it’s likely you’re experiencing Starseed Fatigue. These new energies are pushing us to evolve, but they can also leave us feeling out of sync and exhausted.

That’s why I’ve shared a live meditation, Recovering from Starseed Fatigue, originally recorded on 1 August. This session, channelled by my angels and guides, is designed to help you recover from this intense fatigue. We will clear blockages, allowing energy to flow more freely, and integrate the new light codes into your energy field.

I hope you find these tips and meditations useful so you can get the most out of your healing journey.

Sent with love and light,

Saira xx


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